MS Clinical Laboratory Sciences



Course Descriptions





Course Name




Course Name


CLS 610

Clinical Microbiology I



CLS 620

Clinical Microbiology II


CLS 650

Clinical Hematology and Hemostasis



CLS 640

Clinical Chemistry


CLS 630

Clinical Immunology



CLS 660



PSC 672




CLS 655

Urinalysis and Body Fluids







ETH 610


Ethics in Research



Total Credits



Total Credits






Course Name




Course Name


CLS 770

Clinical Practicum I



CLS 780

Clinical Practicum II



BHS 745

Molecular Diagnostics w/lab




CLS 760


Clinical Correlations




BHS 730





BHS 740







BHS 790



Total Credits



Total Credits


Printable Version

Year 1 - Fall

Clinical Microbiology I (CLS 610)
本课程将着重于需氧细菌的研究. 鉴别有机体的诊断技术, 不同生物在各种临床标本中的意义, the presentation of microbial disease states and the application of principles of infection control will be presented. 学生将熟悉交通工具的使用方法, processing, 从人体标本中鉴定和报告细菌. 学生将分析和记录实验数据, 遵守所有安全程序并学会确定药物敏感性, 耐药性和确定感染来源. (4 credits)

尿液及体液分析(CLS 655)
This course includes the medical biochemistry of renal function and the interpretation of urinalysis and body fluid (spinal fluid, seminal fluid, and other body fluids) testing. 重点是临床意义和实验室结果的解释, specimen collection and preservation, biochemical test procedures, 尿沉渣的临床显微镜和细胞学. (2 credits)

临床血液学与止血学(CLS 650)
This course will address the evaluation of blood cells and body fluids in the clinical hematology laboratory. 讲座和实验将以生理学为重点, 血液和骨髓细胞的病理生理学和实验室检测, evaluation of hemostasis and hemostatic disorders and the laboratory evaluation of formed elements found in other body fluids. (4 credits)

Ethics in Research (ETH 610)
This course includes a discussion format based on ethical issues involved in the research process. Students will have focused reading on the ethical issues involved in research and then will apply the readings to case studies during discussion. Topics covered will include, 但不限于:道德和研究伦理, 研究委员会面临的伦理问题, 涉及人类和动物的伦理问题, 研究报告和利益冲突. (1 credit)

实验设计和数据分析(PSC 672)
This course is required for all Pharmaceutical Sciences graduate students and provides students with a basic knowledge of experimental design and biostatistics. 学生将学习如何设计实验和分析结果. 本课程将涵盖单因素实验, multiple factors, 全因子和部分因子设计和筛选设计, 假设检验和相关生物统计学的基础知识. (2 credits)

Year 1 - Spring

Immunohematology (CLS 660)
Immunohematology is the laboratory application of immunologic principles to the identification of appropriate blood and blood products for transfusion and body tissues for transplant. 本课程将涵盖红细胞和白细胞特异性抗原的特征, donor qualification and blood processing as well as the techniques for identification of auto- and allo-antibodies important to transfusion medicine and transfusion service specific regulations and quality control requirements. (4 credits)

Clinical Chemistry (CLS 640)
This combined lecture/laboratory course focuses on basic concepts of laboratory instrumentation, 故障排除技术及操作, 评估和选择仪器. Lectures emphasize chemical measurements of physiologic indicators of normal and abnormal human metabolism and address the elements of clinical chemistry and its application to diagnosis and treatment of patients. The significance of lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, enzymatic measurements, 酸碱平衡在心血管疾病诊断中的应用, pulmonary, renal and metabolic diseases is emphasized through hands-on measurement and correlation with pathophysiology. (4 credits)

Clinical Microbiology II (CLS 620)
本课程遵循与CLS610相似的原则, 但将重点研究与医学相关的寄生虫和真菌. 学生还将学习真菌学和厌氧感染的关键方面. By participating in both classes CLS550 and CLS560 students will become proficient in traditional microbiology, 以及当代基于免疫和分子的识别技术. (4 credits)

Research Design (BIO 650)
This graduate-level course will introduce students to the research methods used in the biological sciences. 所涵盖的主题包括研究设计, data collection and documentation, critical literature review, 准备nih风格的拨款申请, 以及学术报告和出版物. Class discussions, workshops, and writing assignments will provide students with opportunities to both practice learned research methods as well as apply these methods toward the design of a potential thesis research project. (2 credits)

Clinical Immunology (CLS 630)
本课程的内容包括免疫系统的发展, 免疫球蛋白结构和遗传学, antigen-antibody reactions, 主要组织相容性复合体和抗原呈递, 以及对感染、生物体和肿瘤的免疫反应. The lecture and laboratory will focus on diagnostic techniques employed in the identification of viral and bacterial diseases and the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases, allergies, immune deficiencies and AIDS. (4 credits)

Year 2 - Fall

Clinical Practicum I (CLS 770)
Students will participate in a number of experiential exercises in the affiliated hospital and laboratory sites. 轮岗将包括临床微生物学, Clinical Chemistry, Immunohematology, Hematology and Coagulation, 免疫学/血清学和分子诊断检测. 临床实习经验将包括标本跟踪, performance of routine analyses, demonstration of specialty testing, 观察自动化仪器和管理流程, 包括质量控制和质量保证活动. (9 credits per semester)

先决条件:完成所有必需的CLS 600级课程

高级良好实验室规范和实验室管理(BHS 730)
This course provides training in the principles of good laboratory practice for personnel of laboratories who wish to produce test results that are fit for the purpose and which would stand up to the scrutiny of inspection. 这允许测试结果的可靠性、检索和问责性.  这些程序适用于诊断实验室程序, research, 法医和药物安全和开发部门. Topics include safety, 1988年临床实验室改进法案(CLIA)政府法规, 以及实验室的质量保证. Students will learn and apply management and quality assurance skills and concepts applicable to different laboratory settings, including specimen collection, 以及CLIA ' 88和/或中等复杂度测试的性能. 学生还将展示各种收集技术的能力, process and test specimens. (3 credits)

Molecular Diagnostics (BHS 745)
This course is an application of molecular concepts to the identification of infectious agents, genetic risk of disease, 由于感染或接触有毒物质而出现和/或发生突变. 使用基因组谱作为与癌症和癌症风险相关的生物标志物, 自身免疫和遗传性疾病, 以及组织相容性的测定将被讨论和执行. 将讨论作为诊断和调查工具的生物技术. In the laboratory students will learn and perform basic molecular techniques such as DNA and RNA isolation, RT-PCR, Northern and Southern blots. Students will also be exposed to the utility of microarrays and bioinformatics in medicine. (4 credits)

Year 2 - Spring


疾病的遗传学和分子基础(BHS 740)
This course lays down the foundation in basic genetic concepts with the objective of understanding the hereditability and/or molecular basis of disease. Recent evidence and diagnostic procedures suggest that genetic diseases make up a large proportion of the total disease burden in both pediatric and adult populations. Today′s health care practitioner and biomedical scientist must understand the science of medical genetics and the consequences of altered genomics and proteomics. Advances in the development of new and more accurate methods of diagnosing hereditary disease have led to a greater "genetic awareness" and recognition that genetics plays a role in all areas of medicine. Using a wide spectrum of examples it will illustrate the impact of mutations as found in thalassemias, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, 家族性肌萎缩性侧索硬化症和亨廷顿氏病的病因. 它还将讨论遗传作为易感因素, 比如出生缺陷的情况, breast cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, 酗酒和一些自身免疫性疾病. Environmentally-induced mutagenesis and carcinogenesis and the role of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes will be a particular focus of the second half of the course. (4 credits)

先决条件:CHE 311/312或同等学历

Clinical Practicum II (CLS 780)
Students will participate in a number of experiential exercises in the affiliated hospital and laboratory sites. 轮岗将包括临床微生物学, Clinical Chemistry, Immunohematology, Hematology and Coagulation, 免疫学/血清学和分子诊断检测. 临床实习经验将包括标本跟踪, performance of routine analyses, demonstration of specialty testing, 观察自动化仪器和管理流程, 包括质量控制和质量保证活动. (9 credits)

先决条件:完成所有必需的CLS 600级课程

Clinical Correlations (CLS 760)
Students will evaluate a series of case studies which integrate all disciplines of laboratory diagnostic medicine. 本案例将要求了解实验室检测结果正常, 影响实验室检测结果准确性的因素, quality management principles, 以及整合各种信息以做出诊断的能力, 纠正措施或质量改进建议. (3 credits)

Pre-Requisites: CLS 780

Capstone (BHS 790)
The capstone project is a culminating experience blending all aspects of diagnostic laboratory practice and clinical research. 学生将展示阅读和分析科学文献的能力, 制定案例研究或项目主题, prepare findings for oral presentation and complete a literature review with final paper or poster presentation. (3 credits)